It’s the little things that tell you that your skid has accepted you. It’s not when they give you a hug. It’s not the presents they buy you for Mother’s Day. And it’s not when they finally tell you that they love you.
My son is NOT an early riser. If he gets up with 5 mins. to spare then he’s up early. He’s now 14 and going through the usual changes. His voice is deeper, he’s 4 inches taller than I am, his feet have grown 2 sizes in 3 months and his stomach is a bottomless pit. Plus, there is the shadow of a mustache showing on his upper lip and he gets embarrassed when I point it out. Damn, my little boy is turning into a guy.
This morning was like every school morning; I’m up at 5:30 a.m. and have my coffee in sweet silence until 6:30 a.m. when I start the Cuckoo Clock routine with my son until 5 mins. before he has to make the school bus. Right on time, he saunters out.
This morning however, my charge comes out of his room, sits down with socks in hand and says, “Mom, I think I have the same problem as you.” I banter back, “Oh yeah, and what’s that?” And just as I take a mouth full of coffee, he cavalierly cold cocks me with, “I think all my weight is dropping to my thighs. These jeans are really tight.” I almost snorted coffee out of my nose. I could hardly contain myself. He really does love me! I must however make a mental note to instruct him on what NOT to say to a female if he ever wants to get a date. I’d like to think it’s his hormones that have eroded the filtering process and it’s just temporary; however, I know better. Like most males his age, and unfortunately some older ones, they say what’s on their mind and then are totally confused when the female lunges for their throat. There is so much work to do; dang male.